A radiative-convective model for lava planet atmospheres
A numerical model for the atmospheres of hot rocky (exo)planets. AGNI's primary purpose is to simulate the evolving atmospheres of magma ocean planets, while ensuring that radiative-convective equilibrium is sufficiently maintained. Pronounced as ag-nee. Named after the fire deity of Hinduism.
Follow Getting started for information on installing the code and obtaining results.
Contact: harrison[dot]nicholls[at]physics.ox.ac.uk
GitHub: https://github.com/nichollsh/AGNI
If you use AGNI, please cite the following papers:
- Nicholls et al., (2024) - DOI 10.1093/mnras/stae2772
- Nicholls et al., (2025) - submitted to JOSS
This software is available under the GPLv3. Copyright (C) 2025 Harrison Nicholls.