Getting started

This page outlines requirements and installation steps for the code. Currently, GNU/Linux and MacOS (including ARM) are supported.


  • gfortran
  • NetCDF library for FORTRAN
  • make
  • curl

Do not install Julia using your system package manager. Install only from


Follow the steps below in order to setup the code.

  1. Install Julia: curl -fsSL | sh
  2. Download AGNI: git clone
  3. Change directory: cd AGNI
  4. Setup SOCRATES by doing either ONE of the following...
    • Follow the instructions on the SOCRATES GitHub page
    • Run source src/
  5. julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.activate(".");'

AGNI is now installed as a package into a Julia environment in the AGNI directory. This will also have downloaded some basic input data. You should run the tests next.


The src/ script automatically adds the radiation code to your environment with the variable RAD_DIR, which points to the SOCRATES installation. This variable must be set whenever AGNI is being used.


Now try running the tests in your terminal.

julia ./test/runtests.jl

This will print information on whether tests passed or failed.

Coupling with FastChem

This can be enabled using the configuration file parameter composition.chem_type. Of course, it is first necessary to setup FastChem, which can be done by running source src/ and then setting the FC_DIR environment variable.

Using the code

See Running the model for information on using the code. See Troubleshooting for troubleshooting advice.